Separate names with a comma.
Miss saltyfeet please at least have a successful inc on me and don't always stay dtw for me to hit
If you think 50b is a lot let me give u a clap
Lol bella
Dev if you are gonna make the breadtplate cost lesser to enhance and get better stats, return me my mith that I use on this breastplate lol
It's kinda sad that it cost a total of around 1350mith to max enhance the 6 equips and to find out that the stats didn't increase that much lol...
Yea good question:) Been wondering about it and thinking if I should war to keep my rancor since it will expire after s2 ends and before the...
partnership val is gonna rule the whole EE lol
@kaw admin er people who didn't get to recast gets so many things reimburse ? I cast and I recast on time and didn't get a match and all you gave...
I didn't get anything can you please check? I casted for the war
@Native-Pride: "learn how to build and war like a pro" is your build a good build?0.0 and do u war like a pro? Lolol
Lol @native-pride saying gh is a war noob...
Support sounds interesting
Lol your def aren't strong enough I can hit u easily too if we were matched
Lol at op are u like butthurt?@.@
Those emoji on the SS was awesome enjoyed it
It's 2.6cs? And if added to my 2-3m stats its only 4-5.6m cs and your raw stats its 11-12m
Lol... I was in sotra against you guys and guess what? Given my previous stats 2-3m, I could hit almost everybody but almost all your members...