Separate names with a comma.
Name: Colin strife Age: 19 Looks: blond hair, blue eyes, muscular, wears a black leather jacket all the time, cargo pants Personality: caring,...
In a post apocalyptic world there is a group of survivors but they are always in constant danger as mutants and zombies roam freely the survivors...
Is this active if so I'd love to join
And my name is Colin get it right or don't say a damn thing
Lol jokes
Sstg who the heck are you and who's colly
As you say that my respect only grows because he doesn't care about whether or not you respect him
There is nothing wrong with the way they talk. Im doing the talking just like you made the example that's how I was told to do it. Second my...
I'm listening to people who actually give constructive criticism like sr and feather but cheese isn't giving any advice do I won't listen to him
See feather agrees with me
I just think Its weird that he reads it when he doesn't like it it's just not logical
I just want cheese to be quiet if he doesnt like it he don't have to read it
I will post the next chapter in a week it will be Chapter 4 What is that thing!
Yeah I wasn't sure what was up with that first chapter was that all of it or just the first paragraph not trying to be mean but you never se books...