Separate names with a comma.
Have you not read the entire thread? Pouf HAS changed his stance on a few issues because peoplw have explained their logic better when asked....
I had a few SH try to poach from me during the last PvP event I took part in. It was the warworn token event. Yes, I hit back. Even the one who...
I find it funny that so many make claims that it takes a SH years to build BFA, yet in the same sentence they insinuate it is fast and easy to...
Wow. So much arguing, but it seems no one has read the OP. By accounting for BFE and BFA in the plunder algorithm, it addresses BOTH the pesky...
Poufy, you know I have argued for this change since season two. The current formula does seem to take into account raw troop or spy stat (at...
Indi wars are a much better option than the dreadful thing that round wars have become. However, I suggest one small tweak. WCs cast a seperate...
Of course people will always try to create an advantage in war, no matter what restrictions you implement. Random war times? Locked war party at...
Yay! Another pay to win event.
Another flippin pay to win event?!?!? You guys must have one helluva blow habit to need to pump your customers every 2 weeks with crap events...
The SH problem is the same as the GH problem was, they do not pay according to their true stats. The algorithm for determining plunder needs to be...
Thank you devs for giving us advanced notice of the war schedule. For next week, can yall mix up the roster sizes and war types? Only 4 advantage...
Re: Temporary Outage Cant access cc, ca or pms. Gonna be a very tough war if cant talk.
I know it has been asked dozens of times, but can we please get at least 24 hr notice on wars?
Re: Wars this Week - Nov 25th - NO WAR TUESDAY Thanks for posting times, but cannot build a roster without more info. Plesse post ASAP. War is...
Nothing. Black Friday is for instore only. Now, if yall wanted to do a cyber Monday I would suggest discounts on everything EXCEPT land and...
As a mid, I cant help but think that I can now find more people accepting my build. It does seem to be a drastic change, but at least gh are being...
Wow that is a ton of wars, and at some interesting times. Sadly, none are that great for me (CST) but it is nice to see the variety.
The GH problem is that they do not pay evenly versus an equal build level. So to me, the best fix would be to base plunder off build level rather...
Yes to war!!
Would be great! I need mith to enchant my gear.