Separate names with a comma.
And nothing from the devs about this just more hoops to jump thru to get almost nothing, daily duties wtf next! My activity over this last few...
Loyalty bonus gone? I was only gone 10 mins and I missed it all!
No support, been posted before!
How much more gold would you like? Dropping a l10 pal gives crazy gold, with all the fates plates dropping from events gives enough to open lands!...
With the release of new lands and more fates plates than we know what to do with and p plates dropping so frequently I think there will be more...
Many fail to understand that this game is a marathon not a sprint, the grind is real!
Being a f2p account the first lands with careful thought are easy to open and afford, the devs in thier infinite wisdoms have ensured it is...
Well this is good news for those of us who got the full price back for dropping a l8 p!
We hope these changes improve the player progression experience as we continue to improve KAW over time with more to come! Just reread this! Let's...
Transparency and clarity! Two words that the devs do not understand! Oh and lies which they do understand! Had the players of kaw had all the...
Notice if you will most started out with a tone that was both respectful and and not at all arrogant but 14 yrs of being ignored does take it's...
Ha ha I expect you still belive in santa and the tooth fairy! Pink unicorns and a world at peace! All these things more likely than the devs...
And so the dust settles on another bomb shell from our wonderful development team, guys find years of tapping and grind blown away at a stroke by...
The silence from the devs was deafening! They made a mess and won't own it! As I said before the contempt they have for us knows no bounds! They...
Because they are clueless about kaw! Not one of them understands a dam thing
The full benifits your having a laugh! Go crawl back to wherever you hail from! Developers you couldn't develop a decent fart!
Well the hour draws ever closer and the silence from our wonderful devs is as we expected! Zero engagement zero empathy zero comments, if anyone...
A year or more of tapping for stats down the drain! This game has gone beyond broken and is now nothing more than a joke, devs of this game hang...