Separate names with a comma.
my name is Celeste :)
@sara have fun for once, this is for FUN something u never do
Give me your thoughs about my story :) Thanks :D
Introduction Over the hills and on a larger moutian lays the Dragon Rider Society. A guild of Dragons and their Riders. Kaida was the leader...
The Archer Before You Start Reading I'd Like to Say I wont Make a Feedback Thread and Leave Rude Comments At The Door Cause its Pointless Telling...
U missspelled Excited in ur story and u just mispelled Leave 8-)
Your such an idiot Smexy Hott, Btw was ur username made on oppisite day? cuz all i can tell is ur an ugly wanna be :lol: :roll: Oh and FYI ur...
Chapter One My cell rang while I was putting my backpack under my seat. Plopping down on my seat, I check my phone. Steph. I smiled and...