Separate names with a comma.
^Many are. Maybe make a thread where people could advertise their merc ok wars, or organize a war with other clans who also want one..
Bump for a friend
Re: PostQuestionsHere Lol the "rival clans" are just ranked based on pres.. Pretty useless.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Oh it's in search, thanks guys
Re: PostQuestionsHere What no.. I meant to find a clan that my clan could war with. Not to find clans that are warring and go mercing.
So how would this change in system war? Would it be totally different because you can hit all sizes in system war?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Is there an easy way to find a clan to war? Or a thread maybe? If not, anyone interested in a war this weekend against...
Re: PostQuestionsHere Yeah, that's what I figured. Maybe more can take part this year, who's knows. But I'm a long way off. lb is really hard...
Re: PostQuestionsHere Anyone know what the cut off was for last years All Star war? 800 took part right.. And it's around September..?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Why don't pc accounts have regening speakers too?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Ok, thanks for the help mate. I appreciate it.
Re: PostQuestionsHere Oh I see, so if hansel has att troops below 20%, all you can do is scout?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Oh really, never knew. But I thought assassinations stop once troops are below 20%? (for hansels)
Re: PostQuestionsHere Noob question here. What's the best way to pin spy troops? (like a big active spy or hansel in a system war) Steals or...
Would this be the same in system war?
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Anyone know how to upload gifs?
Re: PostQuestionsHere I have never heard that in real life.. But thanks for the quick response!
Re: PostQuestionsHere What's with the "that's my 2 cents" people say when they post on threads? Does it cost 2 gold to post here?
Re: PostQuestionsHere Lol MB I know I could do that. But I want to know the formula.