Separate names with a comma.
Hmmm 2 merc clans fighting one another. RPL which saved my clan in need countless times while ML came then ran. support to RPL
Looks good
Lol I know a lot of people that lie about being un pinned im sure your one if them lethal xD
You say what we will do ? You know perfectly whats going to happen unless your leader board your not untouchable
Lol scared much ?
Lethal you hit me around 2 times and scouted the rest pretty sure your bark is louder than your bite
Lol you tore yours first xD I cant pull one of those either are you mad you can only scout me ?
Cameroonthebest and colinthebest failed to scout me keep it coming
Lol I think he is a laughing stalk all he can do is scout me xD thats sad SL_COURAGE_SL failed to scout me
Lol an hour of scouts LOL you really did a number on me bud xD
Lol lethal is bad he only targets small people xD hes bad and he knows it xD thats the sad part he will only hit people below 1 mil CS xD and 100...
I think you are pretty bad i was expecting more hits xD o well
Lol that Vane93 guy has a big mouth big bark no bite like most of them
3 allies here
Hmm so its official yea ? Hmm both sides can do massive damage so this will be a good OSW
They didnt really kill it I would say but they made it more harder for a person with no alliance to hit someone with a huge alliance. Lets say you...
lol one of our members actually felt sorry for you guys xD o well we gonna keep hitting :D