Separate names with a comma.
If you've got a small screen (15.6 and lower) you will have to zoom the screen out to mute the game. However any screen larger than 17.3 can see...
Are you on PC? Only device users have the ability to regen speakers.
I wanted the shortest name possible and this is what I got.
6 / 10 you're making me hungry.
Simple solution Play on a computer.
does anyone know how this affects end bonus of epics? i'm pretty sure that SOS's give a greater end return at the sacrifice of AP
Japanese.... Abbreviation is censored apparently
Surrender is not the zaft way. Just like the japs in WWII they will fight until their is nothing left.
Deni, tell him to stuff it. If he doesn't well then use your imagination ;P
Haven't* darn autocorrect
I never have sever issues because I haunt updated KaW in months LOL And you would think that I would be worse, right?
Come at me bro
Guide gives more plunder SOS hits harder and has better stats
I would think in July 2012. Look at ops achievements 20 lands complete he's not a noob :lol:
This thread is almost 2!!!
I have one SOS lvl1 and the castle 46K spy. Will eventually ug it but 1 is fine
It works but you have to be in KaW every five minutes...