Separate names with a comma.
Sigh..... Its a lighthearted saying.... I guess humour in KAW is redundant these days...
@of I dont care for forums tbh so ill leave you to post your shite. Never been one for war of the words. Its bloody pointless. Fighting done in...
@Speaker of What the hell would you know about leadership you spineless rent boy. I was in Baghdad when you was in ya dads bag!! And...
Wow so much Zaft ass kissin on this thread it makes me cringe Its funny to see though. Keep it up.... Maybe they will tickle your balls after war...
Sigh... Alt
@ the ALT with balls of steal The thread isnt about how many runners we or you have. The purpose Was to let Zaft members know they can leave...
We had alot of pms from Zaft members wanting to leave after Laoda went and did EE wars while they were getting thrashed. This is Fact. Believe it...
Lol! Look how quick Zaft mains pop up out the woodwork to try attack this thread Touched a nerve i see... Shame you cant stop people leaving...
Troll this thread all you like. Its funny how much you are doing because you no its true... Were offering a respectful way out. We have many...
It has come to Apoc leaders attention that there are ALOT of members residing in Zaft clans who want out of the war for many reasons.... Be it...
Boring... Nice to see your living upto your name. That post aged me about 50 years You know full well youve been planning this attack on Apoc for...
@Cheese and other forum posties.. EE wars its a known fact clans invite friends from time to time.. Your post is pointless. You was on the right...
This is NOT a post by anyone in Apoc. Or infact me that this retard is trying to set up. Please ignore and dont be fooled....
Lmao what is funny is the noob alt with no stats which is most likely ares himself calling us out. Well ill tel you what pop up ya main and your...
To stop me farming you day in day out. Its simple. Apologise. You have no allys. Your pots are worthless.This will be this way for along time i...
Exactly!! Thankyou Olibear. Now bore off forums ares. Weve bigger fish to fry right now than your worthless ass. Good riddance
SE STAY OFF THIS THREAD NOW WERE DONE HERE. Its pointless. Battle of the words is a cowards way out. You have a link to me if any of you forum...
Satan youve no idea of the ins and outs of whats going on. So for you to comment on hear say is just daft. We are not bullys far from it. If we...
Forum open to SE
Just read even further back. Your lies and the big reason why your booted are starting to show. Why is they no date on the offer of a clan? This...