Separate names with a comma.
First clan : Legion of Death Favorite Clans : The Revolutionaries and ZAFT Destiny :-) spent years at Revs :-) love that clan and the people there.
Best of luck Dragos. Stellar
I'll say it's really sad for those that actually warred. Personally I stayed in clan even after casting as urgent work can't up and I knew I...
Finally. Thank you. Looking forward to it
*Death in the family is a particularly hard time and any clan, clan member or family of clans that offer CF and understanding during this time and...
Nightmare ️ I warred with KotFe long time ago during the ZAFT/ Apoc war, I'll say this you all have my respect. We are all human behind this...
Thank you Willy, reading your post and the OP's post has restored my faith in humanity again . Respect ️. Whether Kaw arranges a fundraiser or...
OMG Lasho you are my hero hun well said! I even responded to Angus in WC today couldn't help myself seeing his CM tags and running his...
I left Aug 25 2013: D , When I am ready I will come back Allison. You can't bully me to come back :lol: I prefer being a noob and weak it’s...
It's Stellar, FYI. And when I am ready to return I shall definitely say hi :lol: In the mean time, adios. BTW: you are sitting in...
Would attest to It. Plus so would anyone that enjoy off system wars. You are correct 99% of Kaw has become all about ebs BUT that is NOT, WAS...
Calling out enter Kaw for a friend Norma? It's commendable..Bravo. . Almost enough to make me come out of retirement ...almost. As for getting hit...
I like reading this thread. OP please keep updating if possible , brings back a lot of memories and a lot things most don't know about
I miss those days :-) the wars would almost always start as no merc no strips but turn the opposite. Then inadvertently lead to osw lol . But...
Thanks Devs
Wow. Not the first time I have been ' marriage / relationship' scandals posted all over kaw forums. Ps: get your priorities right . If need be...
LOL Jayde I like your sense of humour. ZAFT Destiny
And Apocalypse members can enjoy a laugh. hate it when posts get cuts off :/ but please post more dribble :/ now too few characters . Might...
Goofy? Disillusioned much ? Go back to being inactive. Actually no. Please post some more so both ZAFT
Malestone. Thank you for being one of the few coherent here. I know like many zafties said previously I am not meant to be here. BUT I am a...