Separate names with a comma.
Milking a dead cow does not result in any milk.
If it was 50 att / ass / steal I think it would be fine.
My AI generated image didn't win anything. Back to the generator it goes.
EB variety seems pretty key to me. GOTH/NOTH is the only EB set ever run unless its a BR or premium EB. Other hopes/dreams would be more...
Oops, fixed img [IMG]
An imagination of a KaW Kingdom
Clan actions have become increasingly slow. Especially when adding new clan members. Adding a new member can take 3-5s of loading. Doesn't seem...
Volleying a new player takes far too long in 2022. An exponential increase of the intial volley up to 10-100B in value would greatly speed up the...
the whole game has been copy and paste for the past 10 years
It would be cool if we were able to gift other players nobility or health cryatals! To stop people from having crsytal farming accounts you could...
I see what this is... This is an attempt to get ZAFT to follow Warlor's plans. :shock:
I believe he means the ability to move a building to another land that way people can organize their builds. [img]
On these smaller wars having a setup time of over an hour seems too long. Especially in 1 hour wars with only 10 people, more time is spent...