Separate names with a comma.
Have you had your daily rub of butt hurt cream yet?
Good luck out there️
Re: UnBeKnowN and it's members formally request a cease fire f I keep hearing more and more about this clan...
Just because one person hits you doesn't mean the whole clan is on you
9/10 because you're a potato
I don't see what is the huge deal of posting with your main or not?
Wow quadrupled big words
Thank up you very much
What's the big deal with SH
What is the exact build for SH? And could someone tell me the biggest SH they know?
Dukeofhazard So the jist of your comment is Laoda sucks and is a horrible owner? Your kidding me right?As much as u all hate Laoda nobody can deny...
How do u get the rancors fury achievement
I don't like the way teja has been acting lately, but I must admit him a majesty are the greatest LB players unlike red star and those idiots
Re: [REViVAL]The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! Me shud beh on dat wist ;3
Hmm who's all in apoc I've lost track
Statless alt my ass, cause you're stats are all mighty and ****.
Apoc's a bunch of noobs who hide behind each other for protection.