Separate names with a comma.
If Devs cared about abuse they'd perma ban people from warring that do leaderboard stacking. Just saying
Im in the last temple now getting my mirror sheiks then ill go to the castle n kill that home wrecker!!!
On the matter of speakers I think they are way over nob to one speaker...I mean cmon talk aboutprice gouging. If it were one nob for...
Honestly both ideas sound good. A trading store ran by players to sell eq for other equip, gold, inferno, aqua, or mith would be just as awesome...
Wont let me edit first post -.- So I was going thru my mage and looking at my eq and the stuff I don't care about or use anymore was in there too...
So I was going thru my mage and looking at
I like this idea a lot although I suggest , because of sometimes being stuck with no WC, that people that want to WC, or at least can, sign up for...
Re: New's an idea, let's just just change the maturity level of the game. Considering most the money made from this game is from...
Dont get me wrong im grateful for the seals half priced but now my last 33 mins on my gold crux chest im sittin here on regen when i coulda...
So i buy 6 seals and gold crux and 12 xtals because of the pop up that told us about half priced seals and unlimited xtal usage, little did i know...
While i spent the money to open the two chests doesnt mean i wanted to willingly and happily, followed by regret cuz it was nothinf but crux...
Free? I hot EBs using my time. I domt see where free comes in at. Not like they just give it to ya for having an acct and i have already...
Yes, because its greedy for people who spend hard earned money on this game to ask for a little extra time to open our boxes so we feel more...
And the thought of making a copy of the coding and removing said limbs from the prizes after the events end never crossed your mind why?
@kaw_comm So with the crux event chests and keys were originally to last an extra week to let us use them and i guess inbetween that event and...
@kawcom I agree with Rage, i am sure you guys have made a nice profit from people buying oodles of seals for the bone event so I don't necessarily...