Separate names with a comma.
The IST (Initial Strength Test) consists of a 1.5 mile run in less than 12:30, 60 cruches and a minimum of 3 pull ups. Then a perfect PFT is 3...
OP loses most all wars...
Agreed. No support.
There's nothing wrong with a little reefer....or an ice cold beer on a warm Christmas morning. We had suggested multiple things for us to stop...
As I eat triscits and read these comments, I can tell you all that this forum was his choice. I wasn't expecting him to type it up, I was...
Personally, I think Ashton isn't real bright. His gf and his other lover aren't bright either. Eventually, Ashton will get what he deserves for...
You are absolutely correct, Crowfeeder. Jerks need farmed sometimes.
Lmfao, Overlord!
Pestilence seems to make an appearance on every thread I look at
Because infidelity isn't fair to anyone in the relationship, Dawg. It isn't fair to Ashton, his gf, or his other gf. To sit and dog the one you...
Personally, I agree with the majority here who have commented. They would like some more details on why you were farmed...Plus, we are not the...
Re: The Hellbound Knights This dude is right!!! Btw Names changed names to some frogger looking crap.
Cf has been granted.
It totally was, Terror.
I guess he didn't like your apology, killer...
Our clan, Pestilence.
Word, Laz!
That is one of the worst apologies I have ever read...