Separate names with a comma.
This is a damn good idea all you haters wouldn't know a good idea if it jumped out and bit you on the ass
All of you who have been arguing in this thread need to get a life you are arguing about the stupidest crap and all the quoting is unnecessary and...
Its the same as all the other promos hte drops the most like every promo they do
Op you are an idiot
Id like to see an epic battle where you have to combine attacks like scout/attack scouting with your attack would make the attack more effective...
You guys are all ******* funny
Every body act stupid and spend a crap load of money on seals and then rant and rave when you don't get anything worth the money you spent just...
Hell ya damn good idea but it will probably never happen
All you whiny ass people complaining need to shut the hell up who cares if you don't get a refund neither do i its a god damn game play it or...
Quit your damn crying
For all of you saying you cant get an xtals from redoing quests you are wrong two days ago i recieved an xtal redoing quests so it is possible
You consider 5 months just around the corner thats almost half a year away
They increased the drop rates for feathers
Ig and foxes were the first two clans wich is why they can have 120 members and all other clans only get 100
If you talk **** about a whole clan you get hit by the whole clan
Get your filthy paws off my bow YOU DAMN DIRTY APE
Re: Fangs Are Fair Towards Attack Builds I know but i got almost the same number of fangs with a third of the hits thats crazy i wonder if that...
Re: Fangs Are Fair Towards Attack Builds 103 actions spies and troops 221 fangs 39 actions troops only 205 fangs no items on either one
Stop crying it is what it is and its free you are getting something extra for doing exactly what you would normally do anyways so you wont get the...