Separate names with a comma.
Willy! Servin up two year old kool-aid! Ahhh the iProphet era, the ekawivelnt of the summer of 69'.....
In recent years, I've become some what of a celebrity at the hands of this guy's trolling. You all might have seen him wishing me a happy birthday...
Aj I didn't see any Haterade in your selection, someone skirting your business and sneaking that in this thread for free! Haters killing...
I remember when it took a month to organize a war, get the roster set, then back out because the other side would bring in mercs at the last...
Here's the real, I've been called worse by far better than a nob noob. My official statement is Minaja's uterus is what got him kicked by regs. I...
Was a pleasure warring with all of DOOM! Much thanks to our leaders and worthy opponents
Is this the thread that tells us the prices? Uhhhh no, way to lie about that devs...could you please employ some ppl over the age of 17 who aren't...
HAHAHAHA imitation cheese, you have some guts calling us sad...
It's called dedication smilez, and we have it. IT has been top plunder against zaft and merc inc with IAC, when we come to war, we come to win.
Yeah everyone can summer war if they work hard enough and make their clan successful. We have 4 lvls to immortal taka, we're a successful family...
It's like when someone thought up pwars, no one belly ached about that. Our clan owner had a strategy and we tested it. Disqualify us? We can't...
IACImmrtal Taka representing