Separate names with a comma.
3 is the best option imo, but why bother giving them the vanished paladins eb? Might aswell just award mith and save everyone the time and effort...
Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2) Support
Lol grow a pair yet you post with an alt? Ok
I look forward to seeing you in my news feed
Nice Thread, from a top clan ✯☠ШøḠ/CƦ/KøTҒE/ŦṨ☠✯
Im pretty sure it's what goes around comes around?
Really like the idea about not being able to ff, support email it to the devs and see what they have to say
I agree war gorilla, similar situation with us in round 1
Im a clown iron? *sigh* ok
See you in 24hours then ironman
Lol can he not fight his own battles?
I would happily read valid points he makes, it's just these ridiculous comments in which he tries to act smart which annoy me, and as far as...
Angel I have seen flint post too many things of forums trying to act smart, it's starting to get boring. It's about time he shut up and focused on...
Flint that is a ridiculous thing to say, trash talking with an alt is completely different, plus even if he did use a main what are you with your...
LR win cus they strip simples
Echoing what twisted said, I enjoyed the war while it lasted and came up against some worthy opponents in kotfe and allies. Unfortunately...
Hahahaha so true, much love for this thread enjoyed reading it
I can see why people are frustrated with this update as am I, but at the end of the day you can't blame the devs for others cheating the resets,...