Separate names with a comma.
Drop rates of plates/furn are disgustingly low and need a tweak. Other than the massive *insert naughty word* scout bar at start the eb is...
Yesss, welcome back baby😍😍♥️Missed you
Re: INCOMING: Summer 2017 All Star Wars Can't wait!!
I would turn them into charms, if I actually had a "Transmutation" area in my app :lol: No charming for me I guess
Sorry guys, I deleted the app I used to upload photos but seems it interfered with the photos here. I will fix the pictures when I am home in 2hrs!
Noted and updated. Thank you!
Re: ♔ Epic Battles Guide ♔ The eb has changed since the last time. I have made a new guide based off this one for the event this time around.
Awesome work! Will update now, thank you
There you go everyobe! Max drops I have seen for Ichor so far is 214. Will update if greater. The eb is same for other levels just harder
Sorry guys, a lot of fiddling. Will have remainder of guide up in a few.. Been a while since I usee bbcodes lol
I have also just realised devs have changed the items needing to be used. I will update with relative info as well. Please bare with me The Old Man of the Forest...
Support in relation to inferno/aqua rewards. My Chestplate is 60 of each for one level.. that will only get me 4 levels maybe less if fails...
Old post. Post something new 4hrs late as well, noob. Just kidding ily really but shh don't tell snoopy.. *moonface*
*Crystal 1 = 31 Sones *Crystal 2 = 33 Stones *Crystal 3 = 43 Stones *Crystal 4 = 38 Stones
They are indeed, here at foxes alongside LHL, we took the time to thoroughly investigate the main and alts of this scammer. Sufficient evidence...
Any reason as to why we can't use our Scale to upgrade the Shoulders/Ring/Harpoon yet?
No. *edit: why didn't you just make a forum poll? :lol: would be easier
Re: Ally Market (under maintenance) Instructions not clear enough, accidentally dropped allie..