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LOVE THESE NOOOOOBS !! Kick members from clan disrespect clan hate on players then think a sorry will end It lmao good luck buddy BIG BUTTON...
no correction u went on a rage about being a EB noob when u were called a EB monster, got the wrong end of the stick much?, anyway hulk let this...
:lol: agreed, and if wendy turns into the Hulk she can be the cell mate, turning green with rage over something she didnt read properly
lol best read that one again hey
u nailed it, all of TS kotfe cr and WOG are bored of the same **** getting posted over and over again, we just playing on this thread for a...
would anyone in GERMAN FOXES want to comment on ur recent merge with Voodoo, or did voodoo force there way into ur clan as they were so afraid you...
no rob thats why loads of voodoo spies moved to the german foxes to make sure they stay, guess they were so worried another clan would leave sun...
PMS i got silenced for my wall art posted on page 9, though i did post all the voodoo/ sun leaders walls , devs said i was posting porn pictures...
Matt is shocked to see Brian playing the skinflute!
Users browsing this forum: --St0n3C0LdKiLL4--, -AIex-, -Byzantine-, -Charmed-, -Hilton-, -M0NKEY-, -RoC-, -TSB-, -_-Jester-_-, 1ATE7,...
HTE = voodoo meat shields , new pats found that out thats why they left SUN, being all spy builds they dont care about the other sun members they...
hey karb did brian teach u how to play the skin flute yet lmao , i see the SS of a guy making such a tool out of wulf and voodoo u even kicked one...
lol thats what happens when ur brought up in the SUN group, ur treated like a mushroom kept in the dark and fed on crap, yes SUN we can SEE UR...
the ASW was a example of this Team Wrath had AG all over them over a issuse with a unpaid bill from Maj i heard, so question is would team wrath...
mods are so up the devs ass, no point in me even commenting
like other updates this will be a epic fail, most clans get in osw at least once every 3 months so how can u stop a war to enter a tournament? lol...
well done jigsaw for fighting the devs on this bs