Separate names with a comma.
Copy and pasted from LIFE's thread??
I need nobs :(
And Jesus was riding it
Then a unicorn appeared
And get drunk on
And pooped out milkshakes
Lol but he was resurrected by a chicken
This was from a thread from the previous month. I thought it was very interesting and fun. Just continue the story with a sentence. Here goes...
Well no one really replies on wc
This is my alt
What if I proposed a PWAR clan? And it's members are dedicated to giving free gold and in exchange they get nothing...but we refill our loss with...
I'm sorry Dregar but I believe I can do as I please. This thread is based on what I remember of my PWAR days
Haha we should have a PWar Memorial Day :p
Yanks Dexter. That sounds about right!
It was :D
This was like 3 years ago -.- and this is my alt acct soooo
I miss it too
I have been in several before. But it was a loooooonnnngggg time ago
It was called ATM before