Separate names with a comma.
It does not change the fact they are being greedy. By all rights they should earn, but there has to be a level of fairness to what they earn -...
They don't have people spending that anymore - but they did. They put in the spending cap for 1 reason - they will make more money in the long run...
Its not that players don't want devs to earn money, of course they do - we all want the app to thrive. People are aggrieved at the greed of the...
There is no money in it for them. They seem to be only releasing stuff that has some sort of way to make us spend more money. Like they don't earn...
The war times stay the same op. Britain went from BST to GMT. The war at gmt will still be at 9pm gmt. If anything GMT times are better than...
Ha ha ha ha ha. Dumb ass.
Greatness is correct, people are confuziling me :lol: however, the attack is unlikely to succeed and will kill more troops meaning you will...
That's what I said little lady in er police handcuffs
Then yes, if defender has much bigger bfa than you with same stat, they lose less if you get through. Bfa and bfe values are the same - ie. 10...
Nbd, the amount defender loses and attacker makes are different. Attacker makes plunder depending on their stats, defender loses plunder depending...
@reeb, yes. It is same for attacks and steals. The bigger the attacker (or stealer) in comparison to the defender, the more the defender loses....
I'm sorry kaw_admin but I disagree with you ( :lol: ) I know you make the game, but I play it! Hansels get more items (mindscream, spell of...
Again, please read last paragraph of kaw admins thread. You cannot make an accurate formula to work out how many fangs you need per day because...
I agree with deathmonkey. One of the most important things (that the devs brush off as unnecessary) from all these ideas is major changes to ui....
Support. Idk why they use the current system. It sucks. It is disheartening to see your level drop drastically after a loss and only go up...
Uh kaw admin, try looking at the name of the first no match clan before you give them advice on how they should build their roster lol. Some peeps...
Would be interesting to know kaw_admins thoughts on this idea :-)
I saw this on another thread, I think its a good idea but for seeing how much gold an opponent has, it should be a mith spell. There needs to be...
I support this 100%. If I have to search through that damn list for an eb I want to do, only to find I can't be accepted to the clan I choose for...
There's a problem with this to do with fairness & balance. Everyone can get the eb equips but what about the rancor set or future limited edition...