Separate names with a comma.
Zaft still exist Laoda? Boring? Ah bunder? Zaft you guys still play or lost and packed up?
If devs are reading this bring back Gaw a proper war game
So whose winning? Don't see much cf request on any zaft leaders walls boring or laoda aka huay ? Zaft struggling ?
Dirty Larry aka big talker and now aka The naked boy Dirty Larry please talk I prefer u talking when u ain't got no clothes on haha Are u...
Most zaft players off allie LB is this the end of zaft? Rumour boring quit as well
If your from gaw vote if you think sandwgirl was a cry baby ️
Not just this message I want to leave loads more
That's a lie fury was part of i gangsters ... Majesty fam the ppl who avoided war and always stayed mutual ...
And fury joined for the obvious reason they can't stand on there own feet u tool
Which ever way u want to drop ur main create a alt I'll beat u all️ I will never cf
I remember from gaw fury fam joined zaft for protection and they done the same in kaw ... Eventually they left zaft in gaw and destroyed...
Dirty Larry shut up u clown ur all talk
Zaft is dead ️true story
Zaft leader huay ? Aka laoda
All kaw players hurt by my comment
Because it's a game all the weak players can survive on ... Unlike gaw only the strong survived the weak gave up
Bring Back Gaw That was a real war game. Kaw has nothing on GAW
Honestly the more u speak or type you sound more like a tool
Dirtylarry when u speak I can only laugh ... U sound like a tool