Separate names with a comma.
Re: Modern Republic I've been going through some rough **** here latley, but other then that I'm good now how yall been
Re: Modern Republic I've been on a hiatus, been checking in every now and again,but I'm back now
Re: Modern Republic How ya been guys
Re: Modern Republic I didn't get nothing for Christmas guess I'm too old now,lol oh well Im finally getting my new 2009 mustang next month
Re: Modern Republic They got this game all f'd up nowadays, I hit ppl half me and lose everytime and it's different ppl everytime and they...
Re: Modern Republic Char it was a lil bit ago abt 4-5 days ago and my wall only has three days back so I got no proof but it's the truth
Re: Modern Republic Char it's not like I took a picture of it or anything I mean dn believe me but it's true I promise
Re: Modern Republic Yea I swear blumpy,I found him and asked him y he's got a chicks name and he just said lol
Re: Modern Republic Blumpy sexy chick is and ex member,he was lightning_storm it's a dude btw,and guys I'm back
Re: Modern Republic Hey guys I won't be on till tomorrow night I forgot my damn phone charger so I'm f'd,anyways I'll talk to yall tomorrow
Re: Modern Republic How's everybody on this beautiful night,I'm at a rest stop for a little bit,anyways if any lower ppl like me now need...
Re: Modern Republic Thnx lolololol it prolly doesn't help me staying up all night,but I think Ima be good
Re: Modern Republic Hey guys I'ma be gone most the day I gotta go to north Carolina to pick my brother up from his marine base,so hopefully I...
Re: Modern Republic Blumpy I'm not a rep but id say we keep friends jus incase we need help I wars
Re: Modern Republic What do u need ur allys bought wvu
Re: Modern Republic Guys my all time dream just came true lol,I jus got three big ass boxes of tobacco lol I got chew dip everything I love...
Re: Modern Republic Y do u want to war with them
Re: Modern Republic So I'm guessing were never going to war bc it was said to happen on the weekend and blumpy came back but yet yall are...
Re: Modern Republic I needa be volleyed I can't get anywhere with hardly no cash comn in so whoever can buy me go for it or buy my ally
Re: Modern Republic Ima c if I can hack this game one day,like be able to reset ppl