Separate names with a comma.
Rams:21 Reds:20 If it is a close game it outta be this after all if the Rams are winning and they get a touchdown wouldn't the red obviously go...
Rams: 28 Reds:14 Although the reds are good Rams have shown some defense improvement and their QB isn't looking that hot right now.
Because some people actually have better things to do than sit on KaW until they have 10
If that's what they want to do let them. That is their enjoyment do something to yours.
"the spirit of pvp" is an opinion in your head of how YOU see it should be. I enjoyed myself even for the very little I did pvp. In general my...
It was removed because of gold volley transfers mainly. I don't think it's right for the community to get punished for this long because of what...
Thank you
I have reset several times out of pure stupidity and not knowing that there were no bonuses anymore. Also I have done 25 land resets in an effort...
I have reset several times out of pure stupidity and not knowing that there were no bonuses anymore. Also I have dont 25 land resets in an effort...
I'm aware there was a reason and in trying to explain why it should be brought back.
A wile back KaW used to offer bonuses for people that met requirements and performed a land reset consisting of 25 lands or 50 lands. (Before the...
I made it a mission in my life to collect as many of the face as I can before the week is over. If you would like to contribute feel free be...
Yeah when you reset this displayed quests completed are reset. So you can complete the entire quest line and it will say you completed 0 upon...
Lol all good and yeah I don't get mad easily trolls are the reason I ignore forums usually
Not you kesser I lost connection and it sent late.
I HAVE played for 5 years I do resets and play a couple times a week and people like you are the reason I don't like forums. Ty for 2nd replay.
IV also played for 5 years but thanks...
I did ask in wc and I got people like you.
Thanks for answering my question. I know about the guide but my clan hasn't got any for a wile so no need to get smart.