Separate names with a comma.
Hard to feel insulted when you know your right... Makes me sad for those highly uninformed though
All of you that say they don't please test it. If you bfa is low, you will see the difference. Why do you think in war the abyssal sword is no...
To test: 1. Remove all your equipment but the abyssal sword. 2. At full troops with all equipment removed but sword unload on a haunting. 3. Watch...
This has already been posted. Haunting gets boring some clans enjoyed BR double gold paid better to small/mid builds. Many be fine with...
It's impossible to have 21 guilds and 4 aviaries on ll!
That's not true lol more actions= higher pay out. Guilds contribute to that especially in item phases. Guilds make a way bigger pay out in the end...
When building SOS your ally bonus might go up but your total plunder drops where as for guilds you make more over all plunder. SOS gives stats not...
Guilds get larger eb pay outs, make just as much or more plunder per hit. Often have a better chance on drops. If you are an eb account. You can...
Re: Estoc Trials - Week 2 of Test Wars Congratulations to the Developers!! You guys have just created a complete joke. Everything every veteran...
Hey you were inactive in the RPA War๎
The worms are a good war clan, props to them.
If you want to know if it's fair or not, take a calculator and add it up. But bfa plays a huge roll, if your bfa is bigger devs may compensate in...
Actually devs already addressed this a long while back, before rancor wars. If you get too many inc at once, it can cause a self-KO.
I agree... But disagree... I like the idea of giving more incentives to war and all get bonus... But at least make one higher then the other... 5...
So let me get this straight... Out of your... 11 wars... -You complain when you don't get matched (Which is in place so clans don't get over or...
No.... To all of it. Letting people xstal more isn't a way to fix the unbalance in clan sizes. If people complain so much then they can max there...
This is a war game, not an epic battle game. The whole point of the new war system is to encourage warring and bring back war system. If clans...
The 15% increase should be on your total plunder, not just your personal plunder. It's not fair to hansels, when the increase wouldn't even take...
There hitting ebs... No duh they got attack buildings lol
Castle give stats just not troops, if you see stats don't assume they got attack buildings ๎ I would never advise a spy to war with attack builds...