Separate names with a comma.
May I answer all of your questions. I do not mean to be cruel but breakdown is the only one here that has been kind. All of you other idiots that...
Trolls are taken care of thank you to anybody who actually helped me or tried to help me
Sorry about this breakdown like I said before I'm more just challenging myself
Black hand extreme I have made several successful guides on the attack build all the way to t4
Naughty Gwen I'm fighting back and not backing down your advice is down
To a thinking grape I quote "I am a very old KaWer in a new body(account) That takes care of a thinking grapes argument
Gwen I will take you up on that. Though I will hope nobody takes this personally. It is more an excercise for my mind
Thank you for the help forumers. This experience has helped me realize that I need to wait a little longer before I start making threads
I said I was an old kawer in a new body a thinking grape
Him this was a terrible thread then? I am sorry for this I will try again at some point in the future. Please lock this thread
3:work hard and put effort into your thread. Why did that get starred?
So,I am here to give everybody a guide on how to be a successful forumer. May I first say that even the chance to how a successful thread requires...
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