Separate names with a comma.
Good job everyone.
Re: Tier 5 L3 Released Soon First few to post
Re: Tier 5 L3 Released Soon Ya
My buildings did not change but my plunder went down also.
The new t5 might affect the summer war tournament. At this point the clans in the tournament are very strong and can make the leap to t5, but they...
Ya if t5 is only available for highlands then lowlands will have to only be t4 which makes our kingdoms not reach the max potential of t5.
Da fuq?
Prices for t4 lower on thursday
Guys who really cares. It isn't a regulator clan it was meant for everybody, so the regulators are doing us a favor.
This will not affect smaller players. Players are supposed to grow tier by tier anyways. Having another tier will just be another step. If small...
@toast tim0 is already in a strong clan:wudi
It will be easier for hansels to hit
Ambush. Golem horde has no defense, so the weakest player with one tier 1 building could still deal 90 or more damage on it.
This thread was for new players who hear about hansel's but don't understand what they mean.
A hansel is a player who has all spy buildings except for 1 balanced troop building. The name came from the player who made this build.
It works it just doesn't work if u go into a different clan before you come back to your original clan.
Thank you! Muchacho! I will use this for my new alt.