Separate names with a comma.
Great clan with great peeps.
England is going to suffer a hard year but will recover and prosper more for leaving I believe. When the biggest pusher for the EU to stay intact...
That's kaw and its fight club mentality. First rule of fight club is we don't speak about fight club.Momma and Poopabear were banned by devs for...
I had a blast in the PvP event, why does it always have to be about rewards. I play just for the fun of it. I was as high as 22 and finished at...
Yeah I having the same problems as vamp. I am on a Samsung also
Since last update for android I lost my clipboard in the copy/paste now all I can paste is the last thing I copied which really...
No support, if u don't want to buy a seal then don't. That simply! I know ppl in all income ranges and some choose to buy seals and some do not....
No support
I believe u and I have been called a liberal by other republicans before cause I don't agree with things such as closing our borders. Just hard...
Your words in this thread have seemed pretty left so far so maybe u have a party without realizing it or maybe to embarressed to admit. Idk just...
Interesting aj, u taught me something on that one, but I still remember the election day and the televised ppl being interviewed bragging about...
I know a lot of democrats that work hard everyday and yes I know a lot of republicans that don't work. Never have Republicans had to go into...
And just for shits and giggles, why do most poles start off with democrats in the lead? Because the republicans haven't gotten off work yet !
I think this vote shows how Americans have fallen short of their faith in Obama. As a proud conservative I been saying since the start he was a...
Yeah that one remark was pretty harsh but bro u just don't get the big picture. U can't spear head the farming of a mole when u are a leak...
Eat some more antidepressants then bud so u can feel better about yourself and your excuses. A mole or a leak they both kill wars the same.