Separate names with a comma.
How to rob a bank in this game to get gold ?
No u don't tell t_800 what to do t_800 tell u what to do so yah and bye
No t_800 ? Then I attack ur kingdom
Support because I will be at top and can have much glory but if people trying to make chards off of me then you will be sorry because I have forge...
Also me I have drunk 2 cans of Pepsi so I feel very hyper and ready to take over some clans if u wants to help me then I will reward you with gold...
Is fun but to easy I have to many shards and is getting heavy so someone c'mon and take some if you can but no you can't so bye
Also ashes I know ur real name so u do not be mean to me otherwise I will expose of it and you will be sad and bye
What is cf ? I'm guessing it is cross fire. It is ok game but I prefer cod. But this offends me because nobody grants me I grants you so u better...
Actually English is none my 1st languig so no you is wrong and make fun of my English skill but no you will pay for that so sorry and bye see you...
Good clan if you wanna make an allianse with me then u can and I will supply u special t800 robot army to fight for you. Ty and bye
U may have think u have good rating skills but no and no I will not fyte u but if u wanna fyte I will go and u will be sorry I will say bye hye to...
I will not hits u ashesufedin butz I would pen u to ezy so it will not be fear but if anyone wants to serrender to me den you can on mine wall or...
If you join the t_800 I will protect you and help yous to take over kaworld and skynet will send robot army for you
Oh nos I has no responds correctly but anyways I do no care because I have mlg swag so bye bye nubs and bow to meh
M8 u wanna go den go but on my throne I will not spear you and I will make you bow and humiliate you so sorry but bye
M8 I learn my skill from top playas so no it's is not week but if you want to test you can fyte me. But I warn you to post on this thread and ask...
How dare you to call me a noob ? You want to go m8 I will leterally pen you all day every day and I will have top playas on you. You wanna go then...
Hi I is new to this game kalled kindoums @ wawr buts I want to know how to make a good gold (like 1 mil per hour) and how to PVP like swag. Also...