Separate names with a comma.
I did my first individual war and it is perhaps the fairest war I've seen in a long long time. No sh. On both sides! Lb on both sides. Clan bonus...
Can u give more detailed analysis on no match ups? Asking people to look at other ppl's roster at 3 clans above and below isn't helping much...
Maybe take the best quotes and ideas that you will consider and lock them in a separate thread. This thread is long and we don't know which parts...
Refining idea a bit. How about 5 loss = 1 rancour? Bonus don't work once you reach 9 something like: 3 no match per rancour up to max...
I'm thinking new equips from either war or eb should start having restrictions on it. This is to encourage ppl to grow. The limit should be 2/3...
Just to recap parts of the threads I've seen. Wars are still about being as big as possible whilst still being small. In a game where you are...
Bumping this thread as there seems to be a lot of no matches. The idea is still the same as the first page. Maybe some of the numbers could be...
Hi, It would be great if u can clarify the ee situation please. 1) can we still move around clans without losing ee and when will it end (...
The match up is strange. Fighting clans 15 ranks higher?
Good idea. Probably should be talking tril, not bil
Thanks for support. I also think no matter what system u use. Unless u get more clans to join in. The problem of mis match/ no match will always...
About 1/5 of clans seem to get no match each war. So with less clans warring the chance of no match increases. So the idea is everytime u defeat...
Yes please tell us how many ppl hansels have a majority guilds. Should we all be converting to guild hansel / towers.
Might be same for andriod but I don't have it. I notice that via PC this is the case. Your chat selections stays the same what ever screen you are on.
Can we have a feature for the iDevices to filter the bottom chat to only have clan chat please. The bit I'm talking about is the preview chat...
Support this idea
Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2) Full support. Part of the problem with no match ups are the low number of clans warring. If more people were...
Support. Keep the losing bonus but only on third move. Aka. I'm at war clan. Then go home and come back for next war. It would be nice to keep...
And along with that change allow ppl to cancel woc. ^_^
Make wars 28-30. Therefore there won't be mismatch due to numbers.