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Think long think wrong!!!!
I know that the extra damage caused by using 7.5m pot pays a bonus that more than covers the cost of pots. 400/400k hansel using 7.5m attk pots...
1/ my clan has noticed, as I'm sure many other have that the seals, stage bars that appear are all different colours for different people ie it us...
From what ive seen u make more the more damage u cause ie allies pots etc so potentially foundries could earn more in pve as higher attk
Ty for ideas I tried pots with this account and although I caused more damage, troop loss was same economics of using pots will need to be tested,...
I have seen a big increase in my earnings from pve, however some of the mid and smaller players in my clan are complaining that they make less...
Meaning the battles with regens have the potential to yield massive payouts
Ok ty and is the bonus capped per battle?
Sorry if this has been already been asked, the bonus payout for epic battles is this based on the number of success during the mission ie hits...
Lol a whole 80m lend us a few quid any1 got anymore
What sort of payouts are people getting from the first few missions ?
When I took down a lvl4 guild and replaced with a foundry lvl1 my allie plunder dropped by around 100k per hit lvl 2 seems to be aroun the same,...