Separate names with a comma.
destroy low land which u will get 20% back from what you did spend then two building tokens to upgrade it back to level 3 it mean one building...
HFBC who have building tokens asked KAW admin the answers from KAW admin is " You can re-make your account's build." please use a little bit...
wasted the real money on the last events to get useless building tokens no wonder kingdom at war 9 of the last 20 people rate one star on the...
this game for 9 years ATA are training 9 years old to be a gambler in the future
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials win 5 clan war and 2 - 3 indi war a week for 8 weeks to get 100 medals it mean we have to win 56-64 war if we...
Re: Season 4 of the Estoc Trials to be top 100 have to use at least 200 crystals. how about give some seals and some health crystals for top 100 too
the payout is really bad should give 50 - 200 bronze bar for the winner clan too
Re: Chaos Wars (7/14 - 7/20) War Feedback 1. inactive warriors. should give a spell to the person who do less than 10 actions each war which...
Re: Epic Battle Time Trials (Reckoning TSG) when your clan do time trials 10 times during the event which u are participate half of them and...
can't start EB or leave this clan, can u just disband our clan
after 3 hours wasted to see the match up but end up our clan got no match and lost some mith which 3 hours can make over 20 bil in one HTE
Re: Chaos Wars 7 to 14 I think everybody having a same problem with me every back to back war War 4 start at 4:00 pm end at 6:00 pm (some clan...
Another Small group Power WAR because people afraid to loose
Been locked out for an hour during war 5, I did uninstall kaw and reinstall it but still had a problem loading kaw because server issues kaw...
Hope no clan war against any clan stronger than them by 40 mil CS or more Hope no clan war against any clan that have much more bonus from ally...
After Friday war 1 finished we have under 50 mins to cast WOC and fill up the war roster for war 2 is it too close DEV????
People spend 8 weeks and a lot of xtals to complete your estoc trails but end up we got Only change color of equipment and add 10% more bonus ...
Re: Kingdoms at War - 03/18/13 Update POLL I vote no FF for 2 hours war Leave clan lose 1 point is good, u will show your loyalty to your clan