Separate names with a comma.
Yeah lets complain about giving feedback when the devs ask for it. Shut up and take it and don't say anything. That makes sense. Ok.
I respect people's opinions that have warred since season 1 but it's funny how many people have such strong comments and act like they know what...
Matchups seem so random. No consistency. DS vs Clan A war 6 - 80m CS difference, BFA hugely one-sided and BFE about even. How is that remotely...
Not sure if a lot of people have even taken a look at the rest of the records for DS.... A VERY LARGE portion of the test wars over the last few...
I haven't seen one post about asking for a I blind? People are speaking up for the bad matchups. Clans including mine have been...
DEVS/ADMIN - If you care at all about the KAW community and EE wars...then read the entire thread of feedback for wars 5/6 of week 11. Everyone...
DS has faced many clans lately with the new "algorithm" and we have to fight very hard to get them wins we get. This includes the clan we warred...
Kaw admin and devs - if you are going to listen to anyone wouldn't you listen to those that have warred almost every single war? Ignoring that...
Agree with you... Should be 10-15 minutes to come out instead of 5-10. Clicking least its not 4 hrs of this.
Re: Estoc Trials - Week 3 of Test Wars Do the war KO times look different than explanation of new KO rules or is it me?
Matching teams that have better BFE with only those with better BFE sounds like people worked so hard to get rancor equipment for no advantage....
Bump and support
Admin - Curious if you will be providing the stats as to how many people were in each tier so we can see how the wars went. Example: 300 people...
More than a 25% difference in total CS not to mention BFA ^^^^^^^ guess less no matches are better than closer matches the later we go into this...
Can we see the logic behind the matchup: Dragon Sanctuary vs. La Resistance? Although was 30v30 I see at least 80M CS difference at minimum...
If they tell anyone which gear, people may choose not to go for the full 50. Guessing they want everyone to shoot for 50. If they let entire...
Why was DRAGONS SANCTUARY (26) matched with V-HAWKS (29). V-Hawks was stronger and had more members. Can we get the breakdown of this? Seems a...
It would be good to quantify what you mean by a "reasonable minimum" on bfa changes. Would be good to know if we are talking 5% change, 15%, etc....
Re: War Crystals (Estoc Gem v2) Support