Separate names with a comma.
In Louisiana we had frost at two AM... then it warmed up to 68 degrees...
While your point is valid and shows why the thread was locked it still had to suffer being licked by Eagle... No thread deserves that horror!
7 letters* please try counting again.
No Support, giving higher mith payout to losing teams gives them no incentive to keep fighting, in fact it gives them a bigger reason to quit!
Granted: You die and are reborn as an earth worm. I wish I could go to comic con this year!
You are immune to the disease that causes a zombie outbreak and are eaten alive instead. I wish I knew what to wish for
It does this on every app on android, it's quite annoying, I support this idea though and hope the devs can find a way to fix it
I wish people would actually follow the rules and make wishes...
Granted: Your butt is now too big and you can no longer walk through any doors. Oh I wish I were an Oscar Mayer Wiener, that is what I'd truely...
Granted: their assasins kill you while you sleep. I wish for an incorruptible wish
Granted: he convices ATA to move into his van down by the river, the river floods, the servers drown, KAW is dead. I wish that Santa will bring...
Granted: you are instantly killed by a Storm Trooper I wish my daughter would stop watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse so I could get the Hot Dog...
ummmm... no
Granted: it is filled with zombie birds that try to eat your brain. I wish kaw would give me a million health crystals
Granted: you end up drawing everything that comes to mind, several drawings are of questionable nature, the police are called, you end up in jail....
The magic Genie cannot grant your wish because there are too many noobs. I wish for an endless supply of Seal of the Damned.
The magic Genie is confused by your wish and makes you explode instead. I wish to be Batman
It is the most delicious cookie you have ever tasted but you break all your teeth because it is indestructable. I wish to become a dragon!
Why would I want to purchase noobs?!? noobs suck!!!!!
This would be awesome if I had any money...