Separate names with a comma.
Support we pay good they give less?
I dont understand a thing y you ppl give rewards to top 10 top 500. i have a doubt is this game is played by only 1k people or 5k but i dont thing...
You ppl are lucky i dont getting Golden Crates in fact i am in hte clan .its just a creep event .
i didnt got my 40 Token yes .i used 10 nobility to open . And given a request also.Really makes angery.
Its just a game so i support
Good work seXy
Good idea of starting our own events insted of devs bully events.
This is wast event need to collect Four items go go go eb one by one .but no use .And the box is such a bull box .open and get you the burred bone...
I got all only the common **** things none of the usefull things i got .This is a time wast event.Only the hte hunter will get profit .Others...
Kaw will never die only war methods are different.war needs bfa and bfe.For new ppls there is INDI dont blame others .Try to grow fast or...
looking like it would be good event but lets see that all players got theirs
Re: The Crux Crusades Really wast event only big stats and hte clan can be benifit on this .others will hate kaw slowly like (slow poison)
we are always here to nelp new peoples