Separate names with a comma.
But why 25? 10 would make more sense for a timezone thar has missed out on war...well, since day 1. Anyway...count me in.
About time. Bring it on.
Totally agree.
I hope the Devs don't ignore the thoughts in this thread when considering Week 1 wars. There are some good ideas here. Some back to the future...
Support the concept. Thx for the thread. Perhaps don't complain about the devs who are clearly doing more developments in the last few months...
Kezarah is right. Look at his record. Kicked my clans butt in #8 and then smashed another in war #9. I would happily join his clan and bring...
xJABx raised a very good point about gold. The amount you lose when banking into and put of Bronze bars is a barrier to some.
So, why not keep it simple and give out 10 war use only xstals? I.e. cannot be used in ebs. People can have a crack at 5 wars with those xstals...
Seal? Lol *deal
Its all about Barriers to entry. Seal with them and you have a chance. People got burned by poor match-ups. Some clans lost members for trying...