Separate names with a comma.
I support this promo 100x more then any previous hunt promos simply because it doesn't require mass infusion of real money or playing for 16 hrs a...
Just a thought but why not dress her with some of the equipment that is currently out?
Nicely written and even a little funny to read :)
I know I'm not the first one to find this and didn't claim to I just have not seen anyone post it in forums and if it was I missed it
thanks for helping me with my first forum thread guys. I'd love feedback
Sorry it's my first attempt I need to learn somehow
Ok noob question how do I post ss from phone or edit op?
I've been informed that this method won't work for android user's sorry :( There has been a new method discovered lately of an alternative...
Only minor thing I had a slight issue with is on pc where is the war timer in the upper right corner of the screen? It's a little pain in the but...
IMO there should be no FF button in wars that are 8 hours or less
Ok here goes nothing. I'm from SU and did I like the FF, no but what's done is done. I respect our owner and he made a choice (likely the wrong...
rumor i heard was he reset after getting in applications
It is possible to be in top 10k and well in and not LC. I'm not LC and still a ways off from HLBC but I'm ranked 6800 something.
Why a mod saying this and not KaW?
So the moral of the thread is trust NO ONE especially if his name is swag king (p.s. stay away from any clan I'm linked to)
What do I need to Lear king?
Sadly I'm enjoying watching you 3 argue over such a noobish thing
But that rush can only last a day or so and farming can never end.