Separate names with a comma.
Support, current app store pics are just sad. Well done
I feel like the ability of senior member would hurt clan loyalty as members can stay and go as they please without having to wait to be accepted...
I like the idea but think that sets should not have to be maxed out also some sets dont have all spots taken so do the empty spots count as extra...
I liked the origibal idea, but wolfie, yours is really good aswell. I think Ive seen it somewhere?
Hoping this will happen as it can help new clans from being destroyed by one faulty admin, be a great ting for the community but is much overdue
I thought there was a free ally market? But, feel free to hire mine
I have to support this as everything is overpriced, but I doubt devs will even respond to this. A problem that has been around for awhile with a...
Re: PvP/New Lands/New EQ I like the full circle idea, support
Great to see it come but dissapointed as only the top 10k will be able to participate
Full support, this would stop atleast most of the complaining om events
Support. Great Idea
Why on the leader board is Cella better than RedStar but in the clan rankings Redstar is better? Please reply to my wall