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Re: Cheese VS KoFTE: a cheesy merge thread Lmfao
lol..... apologies are a sign of weakness. good job noob.
lol.... i laugh every time i see an apology thread
way to go MrB bro
@ Oliver, umadbro? come at me dude. You talk a lot of crap for a forum fighter. I dont ever recall seeing you in my news. You talk like your...
@Tex Respect is earned, not given. It's like saying, why fear someone from a game? The OP is clearly scared and fears iG. Better to be look at...
I'm not pinned... U dumb?
Am I trying to hide? Lol, no. Hence, why I am making a thread you pathetic noob. Stop talking, get bigger and actually become useful and fight...
Thanks for the link Nitro
NEVER make an apology thread. It will make you weak. And people will not respect you. -Horus
Is that all? Come'on don't bore me. As said before, let's do this. -Horus
Still here. Hitting you guys back.
This has NOTHING to do with Clan B. Keep them out of this. The correction is Clan A... But as Valkyl_ made a forum thread apologizing... im not...
come on girl, you know me better then that lol...
Its been fun thus far. "eb noobs" was not the proper wording. My bad on that one. This game needs more people with guts then the "eb noobs"...
bring it
Less talk more actions. I wanna see my news feed flooded with notifications...
Heyyy Blazey :)