Separate names with a comma.
Wabba, This thread while contains correct information, is poorly presented and not that useful. You could of summed up parts that people on the...
Thanks altitude, I'm glad you caught it. For the sake of finishing my last thought... "I'd say this is a fail."
I'm glad you changed Allie to ally. But why post at all if you give yourself a 6/10? That's 60% If you were still in school.... An F
Was this thread useful in any way? It is pretty clear the situation with the ads: Nobody likes them, but they sometimes work in promoting clans...
It's a nice guide. A-little sparse, like someone said could have more about tips during a war. Your entire guide is based around the system. It...
Did this get anywhere? Finnish your thought and maybe you'll get feedback. Yes, spears are equipment used in war. AND??? This thread had...
This isn't detailed enough for someone just starting. As for knowledgeable wandering around the forums, this is badly formatted, a guide about...