Separate names with a comma.
Honestly, my 450 ally slots haven't helped me. :lol: All I held was a single MP ally. :lol:
Yeah, you don't keep the rancor spell on a reset. ^ Tried it. Else, we'd have level 50 owerpowerd 0 stat accounts :lol:
I reset one of my accounts with the rancor spell, He lost it upon resetting. So no.
The devs dint intend for it to happen, a fault in their coding. In simple terms an exploit. Hey my manager just left his cupboard open! I can...
Very nice :D Downloaded :)
ZAFT Corp. Came in late due to the OSW, Took them a week or so to get acclimated to the EE system. After that , they got matched with all the...
Ah, Okay. My bad.
*Will be via Inferno/aqua.
No. Although I suppose it will be, No way to get mith ATM.
Forgive the BB code fails :o Will edit from PC later.
Translation :
921b? You could get 2 almost HLBC allies for a T. A rough estimate.
If your going to sling accusations about a certain moderator who did it too, then post some proof! Else, we don't really care. Cry elsewhere.
:roll: You honestly trying to argue that exploiting a glitch and cheating are not the same thing? Vernacular aside, You used means, which legit...
Nash , yes. But lately , in the last two weeks, seen quite a few of these 3t vollied up inactives on the LB. Wonder if there's any link between...
Been seeing a lot of statless 3T accounts , on the value LB. That have anything to do with this? And why not release the names admin? You did...