Separate names with a comma.
Your* Trouble* Your*
Seriously? Another thread opening someone? You too weak to handle your own problems? One of my old clans used to say if you have say someone you...
When doing lowlands keep allies 2x the amount of your next land, always worked for me
Lvl 3 CoE (Fire Elemental) I has 26 of them
No there is a stickies guide Paris just felt the need to make another one lol
Whiteice just shut the **** up and stop failing
Needs more detail, and there are much better threads about this
Re: Things That All New Players Should Learn Umm there are already GOOD threads on stuff like this and how many threads have you made today? Plz stop
I love Monty python I don't know how someone couldn't have seen it
You make way too many thread, some of them are just retarted, this one kind of is, you should ask a clan member or your owner
Hansels and spies make tons, they may not be able to hit but they get lots for assassinating, scouting, stealing etc.
Didn't wanna read it looked kinda stupid lol