Separate names with a comma.
Sadly I lost my coins, but I gained
Granted, but a Shark eats you I wish I had all possible equipment In KAW
The Vancouver Millionares have won a single stanly cup. The current Vancouver Team (The Canucks) has never won a cup
Canadian and Proud! You say "hoser" so much in this post that it starts to devalue your argument. Try a thesaurus and switch it up a little....
So, do you believe that Satan is the fallen Angel Lucifer, or what is his origin according to your beliefs?
No, they don't need to, but it is a good way to spread awareness of a tragedy, and encourage people to help out their brothers in another part of...
Re: The Official Guide to Banners: REVAMP (FINISHED) This was sorely needed. Good thread!
Support, but one question. Would enchantment levels for equip stay after the piece is sold or does it reset to brand new. If so how does that...
Xbox Pepsi HALO And KAW for sure, considering I'm playing it right now, and in the forum section
Um, didn't the Devs say they plan to totally scrap the Vanished Paladins eb cause too many people were doing this?
Why did you not post this in the new "war" section?
I really liked your idea for possibly saving them. Let's say that I got 4000 moths which I could use to buy the staff, but I really wanted the...
I really like this idea... It Orontes a higher level of game play.. Something else for the Devs to look at when the PvP and war systems are...
I agree with bacon cake... This could present a lot of people getting ripped off, but, just like with loaning clans and such, it's a risk you take...
If you really want to chat with someone in a group, just get them to join your clan... But I can see this being and effective add on later as a...
There seems to be both negative and positive ideas towards this. What you have to consider is that Quests and PvP were both around when the app...
I think a good way of promoting this would be to release an eb, whose item phase will require a certain number of items which could only be...
You have to look at HTE from a business perspective. If the Devs can charge 59 nobs for people to make more money, why would they offer cheaper...
There would be major legal issues if they followed this idea exactly... And if you look deep enough in the forums you will find a thread comparing...
If you have a group that wants to "party" chat, why not just get all those people into a clan and use clan chat?