Separate names with a comma.
Yes seems like the names of the equipment is mixed up.
Re: All Star Wars 2018 News Finally
Re: INCOMING: Summer 2017 All Star Wars Would be nice if all the 2016 players were in same clan again... unbeatable ξ
Re: The 4th of July celebration! Most players have received compensation, I have a Nexus 5X and after installing kaw multiple times have not...
Re: 7th Anniversary Celebration! Remove xtals jail...C'mon devs
So if you reach 15k you get 50 less aqua and inferno than those that reach 10k? No wonder I can't finish enchanting ξξ
Think Apple should have done it quietly without the media or anyone else knowing. Lives matter more.
It's in addition to what's originally offered.
Sounds really cool, I need to learn how to track, would like to be of some use during war besides warring... Count me in.
Had an amazing time, big thanks to all wc and trackers specially Atropos.
My favorite was the Sarah Palin interview with Trump, he said 92 million Americans were unemployed. This was taken from census bureau and totally...
Christie is nothing but a bully...Agree with op Rubio most presidential
Jenna Jameson
Re: New High Level EB Series Support
So called osw is ruined or at least taken the fun out, why cast to participate and then get upset and make threats if you are in an osw. If you...
Seems we're back where we were before with scroll drops. C'mon devsξ
I'm impressed. Thank you.