Separate names with a comma.
Well, being the bored, lethargic me, I decided to go on the internet and I came upon a story that has left me laughing. It may not be that funny...
Support. Warred with Chongo in this clan for 2012 summer wars.
I'm sure I can make you fold and cry if I tap away on you. If he doesn't want to fight he doesn't need too. Needless to say coming to forums is a...
I support this because I sit at home and collect welfare checks and get things handed to me. Lmfao.
I rap yeah I rap yeah No I don't yeah Wait I do yeah I rap no I rap yeah Yes I rap, no Yes I rap, yeah You be spitting things that a 3rd grader...
^lie much?. The thread stated that some EB's might have been restarted, not take the gold you have out already.
WTF is this :roll: Thought this was gonna be onw of those good story telling threads :evilsmile:
Yup :)
Ugh fail..
I would say "support" But then i was like... Whats he talking about? So then...... I was like, oh no he no speak english So then...
I like OP's title.. "Sleep if you dare" .. Owwwww... Very scary... I MIGHT HAVE NIGHTMARES BECAUSE OF THIS but i will poke you #Scary :lol:
KaW is coming to a down fall, hacks, resets, bs.
I think he reseted because he was either tired of the game, or just that he didn't want to concluded anymore. I'm pretty sure that, it has nothing...
Because you dont get the idea of getting the "Estoc Edge" you dont get it as an individual, you get it as a clan as you all work together through...
Ita funny :)
I was bored so i went to the interwebs for some gags and i found this one, i think it's really funny so i decides to share it with ya'll. Enjoy...
Going to another clan for war is not being a "Loyal" member of your home clan. You call it a home clan because you belong in that guild, and will...