Separate names with a comma.
Re: Estoc Trials - TEST WAR 5 and 6 Zaft D and warlor 2 weakest clans?
Damn ampersand, Momma and Poppa incident.
@Phil, I think he was talking to HoG regarding botting with the Momma
Re: Estoc Trials - Week 6 - War #7- General Update Dammit, Anarchy beat me to it. Funny how they're all ME and they're not even close wars.
Sorry that's wrong, hansels with no gold out can be hit by hybrids and hansels. My bad
Hansels with no gold out can't be hit by anyone except other hansels. Hansels with gold out can be hit by anyone, this goes for inside and outside...
You could still have castes WOC even after you hid allies?
Opt in spell is what everyone's been asking for! Props to you for listening to feedback. Any rough requirements for getting into the ASW? Because...
So, you guys randomly hit this guys clan, and then ask him to write a cf thread? Wow.
Looking at it that way Jayde, I think I might agree with you. I'll be watching from the sidelines as I'm too small to join Good luck to all...
Those of you saying that HiT called in Sabo, that's bs. Sabo currently have 13 members in the Apoc/Zaft osw. They're all friends of those in Apoc...
Re: Metals 1 v 1 Centre. Don, give me a few months to grow back to my old size and I'll take you
50b says YAFI end up in this, that's when **** will go down.
This should get even more interesting pretty quickly, who's next I wonder?
Cloud, why would warring increase your chances of successfully enchanting?
Bloody ampersand! Could we know the percentages for level 4 and 5 EE please? Or do we have to work them out ourselves?
Can we know the percentages of the level 4
He has atleast two spy accounts so that SS could be from either, notice how there's no name? Plus could've just xtaled
Re: The Forumdex:Official Unofficial Index of Forumers! [VOTING] A1, although I don't think he's around much anymore, or atleast not that I've seen
Val, you're trying to put swab down for not doing anything worth mentioning, what exactly have you done in terms of war in the past few months?