Separate names with a comma.
Had me cracking up! :)
@Moose, The majority of non bc players are already hansel, so that point is abit worthless.. To be fair, this would slightly increase spy worth...
Eh, rough idea but kinda cool all the same. 1 support.
They implement this.. I'll start playing again. Stripping will be fun again
^ hotch and wrath answered that completely.. Tho if you don't have highlands already... I'd switch #1 and #2
^ lmao.. Fail.
Jeez, kaw back in it's glory. TB shutn people down, and props raja I was just startn hollow original ranks at these time.
Actually strike that.
Bcuz it's alot of outdated info..
This is still alive?...
Gnomes... Trolls.... Same thing haha. Epic reference. Bravo, bravo
Where the trolls steal the underwear 1) steal underwear 2)????????? 3) profit Ud have to see it haha.
^ anyone else get the south park reference here
aHdragos is a noob noobiest Noob of em all even. Wall him and tell him. He may say hello CR
/looking for stats. Don't worry. I'll wait till next year...
* Still want my promised stats *
Quests are purely based on attack, not total stats. So that's an easy call isn't it?.. ;)
Bump for promised stats
Bump for promised stats...