Separate names with a comma.
Can't wait for the next ELDER SCROLLS
You spent $78 for a 25% dynamic stat bonus to THOSE stats?
@ butthurt. False, again. Well done bro you lied in public! Go pat yourself on the back for thinking that one up
Wow.. Go back and take another look butthurt. Yes Chongo self pins on eb when he gets a hire with no warning/he has trillions out ready to...
Yeah Wicked cus not blowing 10 xstals a pin on the top 2 is starting halfway down right? Correct me if I'm wrong but there's a fair few ZAFT...
Yeah funny how according to ZAFT he "self pins 24/7 " yet losses are going up through the war.... That makes tons of sense right?
If one xstal can pin 4 top 10 ZAFT or cover one regen on Red which would you go for nub alt? I sure as heck don't waste 10 xstals pinning someone...
Wicked it's grown, natural bfa growth from having your ordinary overpriced hired in fail strips and replacing with underpriced ZAFT allies from...
@philo and every other ZAFT noob. This "Chongo is only hitting 200-300 on LB" stuff is getting old fast. I don't think Chongo can reach that far...
Go look at his losses noob, he has over that, 5k came from his own hits. Who wars and doesn't fail when hitting no matter how strong they are? I...
@butthurt, that name suits you. If Chongo was "hiding" in dtw his losses wouldn't have risen this war. Check facts before you post your noob rant
Considering he shows as inactive most eb and only hits occasionally at a large hire while he banks, it should be fairly obvious where his hits are...
I have a question for Laoda: Do you always associate video game players and the amount of money which they invest in said video games directly...
You haven't heard of assa dawg? Just because a hansel is dtw to an attack build when dry, doesn't mean you can't take it's troops down
Again.. bars are great but clans entering these wars that can't run b2b item eb or simply need to run haunts to pot up? Please address the issue...
High drop rate means nothing to a clan running b2b haunts for gold, as fluffy stated. If we as a clan need haunts to pot up then basically a...
For those of you that are apparently missing Fluffy's point entirely: The EE boosts *PLUNDER* most of a hansels gold earned with attack is allies...
All allies in KaW are for sale. Support to op