Separate names with a comma.
We need something new! Events/legends are always the same. Maybe these small competitions can be within a clan and customized by members - prize...
I don't war myself just curious. What do you care how much items someone else is getting? Event is individual. If you want a change propose an...
My main 80m cs and still can't hit asof and lotl properly. I wouldn't consider that upper bracket.
I am fine with that, but why do we have to support tiny accounts and alts only. I dislike the double standard. If rewards were this way from...
With how fast growth is now, you should be able to collect 5k or even 7.5k items from the second week of playing. This way the gap between...
I got silenced for calling devs with a bad word on wc.all the changes are ridiculous. 2k event item = 2k silver bars? Insane amount of gold,...
build them towers it will be harder for opponents to hit you