Separate names with a comma.
Still a good megadeth song
Lol volley=easy way=noob
Humanity Is dead
xD xD It was like this at the start of the game xD xD
Didn t read it but... I love the song
bump the *story*
What job had more sex in it? Analyser ;P
Lol i fail
Ferra Boy, 40 years old Live in cave with pokemon since he s 20. He never use a pokeball and his pokemon obey him cause they only like him. He...
Pilot pls
Look: tall, short hair like army, but wearing long coat who hide his gun.
Jean Thomas De La Mer VI Age: 23 Wepond: his familly dagger, 4 differents handgun Faction: good Bio: came from a noble familly whose treasury and...
I'm the knight of nasty words!!!! Prediction game are nice (but no one admit they bang cat)
Ya... They are def mode abd they usually use 8 pots if you attack them
NOOO!!!! That was just for fun xD Srx go ahead if you need to get out a little... Cardinal will still be there to help the rest of the clan
Cansomeone awnser my question pls?